Thursday, August 27, 2020

Medea Greek Mythology Essay Example for Free

Medea Greek Mythology Essay Assume control over rebuffing the individuals who have fouled up to her, she is blamed for needing not justiceâ€vengeance. Since I am not a local of neither Corinth nor Colchis, I have my own view about her thought processes. Be that as it may, I would concur with the Corinthian Women, Medea is looking for retribution; not equity. A few people may contend that Medea is looking for equity. When in reality, Medea needs retribution. The restriction would state equity occurred on the grounds that the Gods permitted Medea an opportunity to play out her different demonstrations. In spite of the fact that these things happened Medea went to retribution when she willingly volunteered to slaughter Creon and his little girl Creusa. Indeed, even the tune, the â€Å"ideal spectators†, infers that Creon is a poor lord when, after he exiles Medea, the First Corinthian Woman identifies, â€Å"I am of Corinth and I state that Corinth isn't all around dominated. †(1. 214-216). This statement gives us evidence that Medea has a type of motivation to look for vengeance on Creon. Anyway she lets her contempt surpass its limits and permits herself to end the lives of the King of Corinth and its Princess all since they picked Jason over her. What's more, her activities all demonstrate that she needs Jason to accomplish more than pay for harming her. She needs him to endure at the destiny of her own kids. Her vengeance was narrow minded. Medea included the two things she knew would hurt Jason the mostâ€her own youngsters. As per the First Corinthian Woman, â€Å"It would be better for you, Medea if the earth opened her jaws and brought you down into obscurity. In any case, one thing you won't do, for you can't, you won't hurt your own youngsters, however fierceness like plague-bubbles throbs, your brain in a fire-cloudiness chomps the purple apples of torment. No blood-lapping monster of the field, she-bear nor lioness, nor the lean wolf-bitch, harms her own delicate whelps; nor the yellow-peered toward, seythe-curved, and storm carried hawk that tears the sheep has ever constructed prey of the product of her own tree. †(2. 115-126). Remember that the Corinthian Women are the aware of Corinth. Through this statement the First Corinthian Women has expressed that Medea couldn't hurt her own youngsters. She even gives instances of the most perilous predators that don’t even damage their own young. This is proof that Medea went past the condition of equity; yet she went far into the condition of retribution. Medea realized what she was doing and truth be told she could think less about something besides what she thought of what was looking for retribution on Jason. All in all, retribution was looked for by Medea. She went over the reality of showing Jason a thing or two; she even expressed she abhorred Jason more than she adored her youngsters. Answer this inquiry is what Medea has done engaging or ethically enlightening?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Gimpel the Fool Essay Example For Students

Gimpel the Fool Essay Proposal: Although Gimpel seemed, by all accounts, to be an imbecile, he was actually an astute man. A. Stunts played on him by towns peopleC. Dismissal of devil’s influenceâ€Å"Gimpel the Fool† is an account of giggling and misery. Gimpel was a kid that had a notoriety of being a moron since his initial age. Individuals were continually playing stunts at him. In spite of the fact that Gimpel had all the earmarks of being a moron, he was actually a shrewd man. He indicated he was an astute man by cherishing the youngsters that were not his, being a devotee to his religion and by not taking counsel from the Devil. There are numerous manners by which Gimpel had all the earmarks of being a nitwit. First the youngsters of the town invested a lot of energy ridiculing poor Gimpel (Kazin 353). It gave the idea that he was taken in by their accounts to an outrageous degree. Indeed, even as he approached his work in the pastry shop, the townspeople kept on revealing to Gimpel awesome stories that turned out to be increasingly fabulous (Siegel 366). A case of individuals ridiculing him was the following:â€Å"Gimpel, there is a reasonable in paradise; Gimpel, the rabbi brought forth a calf in the seventh month; Gimpel, a dairy animals flew over the rooftop and laid metal eggs. Gimpel, while you remain here scratching with your baker’s scoop the Messiah has come. The demise paradise emerged. What do your mean? Gimpel said. I heard nobody blowing the ram’s horn! The child said. Is it accurate to say that you are hard of hearing? And all started to cry, We heard it, we heard! Gimpel, your d ad and mom have stood up from the grave. They are searching for you† (Singer 79). Since Gimpel thought everything that everybody disclosed to him he turned into the stupid kid of the town. The motivation behind why Gimpel accepted what individuals let him know was that these accounts were somewhat genuine to him. Every account of every individual would uncover any need and wants that they may have in their â€Å"psyche†. That was the reason the story was so effectively to design (Giemer 850). The most exceedingly awful stunt that the townspeople did to him was the union with Elka. Elka was the town’s prostitute. She previously had a kid that she said was her sibling. Gimpel, being the imbecile that everybody knew, accepted each word that she said (Geimer 850). At that point Gimpel weds Elka without knowing all her genuine story. Despite the fact that the individuals of the town knew the trusth nobody disclosed to him anything. Moreover, on their big day a person brought a den on the grounds that Elka was pregnant with another kid from another man that was not Gimpel (Kazin 353). At the point when they began living respectively Elka didn't permit Gimpel to utilize a similar bed with her. Following multi month, Elka shows up with another infant (Geimer 850). She reveals to Gimpel that the child was untimely. At that point Gimpel advises her â€Å"Is he not excessively premature.† However the thing was that Gimpel never laid down with her so he should not have how children were framed (Singer 82). Something else was that Elka was consistently with other men rather than Gimpel. At one time Gimpel got her with another man, however she denied everything. Elka â€Å"swore and cursed† him. In any case, he proceeded with her despite the fact that she was not devoted to him. From multiple points of view Gimpel was a shrewd man. The adoration for the youngsters was essential to Gimpel. He generally believed that there were his. When Elka became wiped out she came clean with Gimpel that the children were not his and she was never devoted to Gimpel (Geimer850-851). This was Gimpel’s reaction:â€Å"What is there to excuse? You have been a decent and dedicated spouse. Burden, Gimpel! She said. It was revolting how I misled all of you these years. I need to go clean to my Maker, thus I need to reveal to you that the kids are not yours.†After he realized that the kids were not his, he didn't abandon them. He kept on treating them the equivalent. At the point when he went to resign he removed the vast majority of his cash from the bank and partitioned the cash in to rise to parts for every last one of them (Singer 86-87). .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b , .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b .postImageUrl , .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b , .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b:hover , .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b:visited , .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b:active { border:0!important; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b:active , .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b:hover { obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } . u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1e248b468 668286d0d9931430b650e4b .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1e248b468668286d0d9931430b650e4b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The French And Indian War EssayFurthermore Gimpel’s Religion convictions are solid. He was Jewish and his convictions in the religion didn't leave him alone a terrible individual. In any event, when he knew reality of him being taunted by other, Gimpel couldn't care less. The main thing he does is pardon everybody and proceed with his life (Kazin 353). A case of this happens when Gimpel discover Elka with another man and he goes to the rabbi to mention to him what happened:â€Å"I said to the rabbi, What will I do? You should separate from her immediately, said he. Also, imagine a scenario where she can't. I inquire d. He stated, You should serve the separation, that is all you’ll need to do. I stated, Well, okay, Rabbi. Let me consider it. There is nothing to consider, said he. You should not stay under a similar rooftop with her.† This shows he was a strict individual, since he went straightforwardly to the rabbi didn't go to any other individual. Since he was the bonehead, everybody realized he doesn't get resentful; and he pardoned Elka and he dropped the charges that he made of her undermining him. He said that he saw a shadow and he wasn't right about Elka being with another man (Singer 83-85). Gimpel shows his shrewdness, also by dismissing the devil’s impact. Toward the end Gimpel gets a visit from the demon (Geimer 857), and this is what happened:Devil: Gimpel, for what reason do you rest? Gimpel: What would it be advisable for me to do? Eating kreplach?Devil: The entire world beguiles you, and you should mislead the world in your turn. Gimpel: How would i be able t o trick all the world? Demon: You may collect a pail of pee each day and around evening time empty it into the batter. Let the sages of Frampol eat foulness. Gimpel: What about judgment on the planet to come? Fallen angel: They have deceived you and convinced you to trust you conveyed a feline in your stomach. What nonsense!Gimpel: Well at that point, and is there a God?Then one night Elka showed up in Gimpel’s dream. She advised him to don't do that, on the grounds that the main individual he was misdirecting was himself. After everything he didn't accept any exhortation from the demon (Singer 87). The story â€Å"Gimpel the Fool† was an awesome and silly story. This story presents a clever mental investigation just as an examination of the idea of the real world. This sort of story must be finished by a â€Å"Jewish writer† (Kazin 353). For Singer individuals don't need to be â€Å"insane† to make this sort of story. From the earliest starting point, Gimpel didn't know why individuals treated him like a simpleton. His evident absurdity comprises in his taking the line of least protection from keep away from the â€Å"world† around him. The individuals around him for the most part made the world that Gimpel lives (Buchen 363). Gimpel the shrewd â€Å"or sainted fool† was an innovation of â€Å"Yiddish fiction.† The way that Singer indicated this character was in an alternate manner that infers that Gimpel was a formation of â€Å"irony† in way (Siegel 365).In determination Gimpel was a holy person, he looked and acted like a dolt in view of his blamelessness. He indicated that his absurdity was insight and on account of his great heart he never let anybody endure not even himself. The dismissal of the fallen angel demonstrated his convictions in God and the ownership of a decent and getting heart. Excusing everybody of what they did to him was a shrewd activity. Here on earth it doesn't make a difference much in the event that you are a nitwit like Gimpel who pardons and overlooks; it just implies that individuals can single out you and ridicule you. Notwithstanding, in God’s see it is the most significant and stunning activity. Gimpel himself demonstrated everybody that being a bonehead has a few advantages. Bibliography:Buchen, Irving H. Isaac Bashevins Singer and the Eternal Past. New York: NY University Press, 1968. 1-239. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Sheila Firzgerald

Friday, August 21, 2020

Do You Write for Users or For Search Engines

Do You Write for Users or For Search Engines Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Do You Write For Users Or For Search Engines?Updated On 09/01/2016Author : shankerbakshiTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogWe all know how important it is to optimize our content for search engines, but if you look at latest search engine trend, Google is focusing on ranking honest content more than content written for search engines.A good Rule of thumb is Would you write this if search engines didnt exist?Beside ranking and indexing you also need to gain popularity and authority among your community and readers. So you must write articles that help them and provide solution to their problem. It  shouldnt  be only aim to appear in search engine result.What happens when you search for a particular keyword, and as a results X site appears and when you clink and land on X site, you find there is not much information that yo u have been looking for on the subject. The simple reason is article was just design to get the traffic from search engine for that particular keyword. Itll  definitely  makes you frustrated and probably within a second youll click the back button to check the next indexed site.Why you should write for readers first?#1 Users Google their problem, giveem the solution.  Rule of thumb is Dont deceive your users, give them the solution if you are an expert on that subject. Dont write if youre not proficient with that  niche or subject.  Dont write an article filled with keywords and search phrases related to the problem but have no real solution for it.#2 Read the article after finishing it and ask yourself Does this help my users?Whenever the answer is no, you should know you need to change something. As a blogger I think your job is not to just spread and share the popular news on the blog actually your articles should have your  essence  and must dwell  your unparalleled  style of writing.#3 What makes your website unique, valuable, or engaging.Rule of thumb is Whether your website stand out from others in your field. Site design is one parameter, but most importantly the quality content is which  counts. You can be prominent  in your niche if your writing is unique, content is expectant  and articles are helpful. If you still think design matters, have a look at this blog, you cant get more neat and clean design than  this guy have here. It is almost  design-less, still regarded as one of the best blog in  blog-sphere. (obviously  for its unique and impressive content)  #4 Search engines hate when you use these techniques.  Rule of thumb is being a nice guy  doesnt  mean you cant succeed in a difficult  game.  You can be on the top without using improper  tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. search engines ( or should I say Google) hate following ideas;Automatically generated contentScraped contentLink schemesCloakingHidden text or linksDoorw ay pagesAutomated queriesREADEffectively Leverage Social Media During A Natural Disaster#5 Keep it Simple straight and to the point.  Rule of thumb is Your readers are only interested in them. Dont make it  unnecessarily  lengthy. Cut the crap and come to the point without polluting screen with excessive examples, ramblings and stories.If you follow above points while writing articles, it will  definitely  help build a strong community around your blog niche at the same time help you do better with search engines.How writing for Users can Benefit you?#1 Social ShareThey comes, They read and if they like it theyll share.If users get their problems resolved through the tricks, tips and solution explained in an article on your blog, I dont think there a reason why they would not be sharing your article in their social community. If the article is worth reading Itll be share further in many other communities and groups instantly.#2 Users can make your content go ViralIf your content is great, futile, funny or  resolving,  couple of things can happen;It can ranked and indexed at #1 position in SERP for that particular keyword or phraseCan get viral on social sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin GroupCompetition is hard for former, as there are experts who game the system with SEO tools, although the quality of content may be not as good as in article. You can still make it viral in Social Media. Tell me what exactly you do when you see something useful on your social timeline? The answer is  obvious,  you share it with your  fans and followers.  The same way its  shared by their fans and  follower and the content go viral  among  various social media  communities  and group in no time.#3 Social Authority or Author Rank  Last year Google introduced Google Authorship. It  is an  algorithm  which associates individual   authors with their published content.  This gives individual writers an  opportunity  to build credibility. It is realistic and v ery much accepted and  appreciated  by publishers.It has changed altogether the  game of search engine Indexing and ranking. Google now value the social share and authority of publishers  among  their users or readers.Hence the time now has come to start building social community around your blog niche and write articles that matters more to its user than to search engines.I would like to know what goes in your mind when you write articles on your blog How well itll rank in  search engines OR How much  appreciation  Itll get from content user or readers.Please share your thought in comment below.

Monday, May 25, 2020

A Report On The Peltier Effect - 1069 Words

Report on the Present Investigation The Peltier-effect has been now known for 180 years. But only recently has it developed more practical uses. Now it is not only indispensable to send a spaceship to Saturn and to speed up the central processing unit of your PC. You may even find one in your lunch box! In this module, you will do simple experiments with a small peltier device. You will find out how the three different applications of the device are related. You will look at the flows of energy and realize analogies to quite different engines such as airplane engines and those in Refrigerators. The history of thermoelectric effects shows how closely related science and technology are. And you will see that scientific development sometimes goes strange ways. All modern science is quantitative. It is not enough to know whether a device works â€Å"in principle† or if it might solve some practical problems. One has to show how well it works. Science is also a network of links between different fields, and this web needs quantitative knots to hold. You will therefore carry out quantitative measurements with Peltier devices. The Peltier device is just one specific example of a thermal engine. All of these engines must comply with Carnot’s law. We will check whether this is true or whether we have a perpetual mobile†¦ Usually Peltier devices are applied as heat pumps. We will measure it s efficiency in this mode. Since the cooling load of most typical battery compartments is not high,Show MoreRelatedThe Demand For Health Care Personnel And The Supply Of Their Services1323 Words   |  6 Pageshealth Health care is a very people –focused industry. Apart from the discernible reality that patient treatment is administered on a human body, people conduct most of the procedures and treatments too. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Movie Pulp Fiction By Quentin Tarantino - 2271 Words

The movie Pulp Fiction(1994) was directed by Quentin Tarantino is regarded as one of the best movies ever made and especially for the gangster film genre it is quite unique. It can be argued that Pulp fiction is or isn t a gangster movie but there are enough signs to prove that it’s definitely is a gangster film. This movie focuses rather on the morality of decisions and about the character s internal conflict and the karma that the character’s receive. Not only is there karam associated with their actions but a chance for redemption . All of these things add for a wonderful gangster movie but it is missing some very conventional aspects of the genre that definitely set it apart from the rest. The first time that the characters are seen with the questioning of morality is in the very beginning of the film with Vincent Vega(John Travolta) and Jules(Samuel L. Jackson). The conversation starts out about their bosses new wife Mia Wallace(Uma Thurman) and how was laying her hands on her in familial way and gave her a foot massage. This caused Marcellus Wallace(Ving Rhames) to throw Antwone out the window four stories and give him permanent nerve damage. Jules thinks that reaction that Marcellus has was too far and that it was just foot massage, while Vincent says â€Å"I’ve given a million ladies a million foot massages and they all meant something and we act like they don t but they do, and that s what so fucking cool about them†. This already shows that the two charactersShow MoreRelatedReview of the Movie Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino Essay1132 Words   |  5 Pages1994 film, Pulp Fiction. Directed by Quentin Tarantino, this film is unpredictable, surprising, and possibly offensive. It forces action and thrill-seeker cineastes to dispose of all predictions and prepositions. The director uses shock, surprise, mystery, absurdity, and summarization, paired with bizarre humor and hallucinatory delight, putting Pulp Fiction in a realm its own. The film is then balanced with ample suspense and seriousness. Arranging a nonlinear storyline, Tarantino tells of threeRead MoreQuentin Tarantino Essay700 Words   |  3 PagesQuentin Tarantino Blood, gore, and a lot of language; you will find this is most Quentin Tarantino movies. Although, this is what makes him such a writer and director. Quentin Tarantino is not only a fantastic screenplay writer, but he also pushes the limit of intense plots of drama, and mostly violence. As a great director, who changes the world of filmmaking, Quentin Tarantino is one of the most unique directors/writers, today. Born March 27, 1963, in Knoxville, Tennessee, Quentin Jerome TarantinoRead MorePulp fiction vs. reservoir dogs848 Words   |  4 PagesQuentin Tarantino has greatly improved his career since his first script in the late 1980’s.One of his latest achievements is his film Django, which grossed an astounding $425 million worldwide. However, his most iconic films are those that kick started his career such as: Pulp fiction and Reservoir Dogs. Although both movies are similar in content and dialogue, Pulp Fiction differs in its complexity, plot, budget and high profile cast. Tarantino’s first movie, Reservoir Dogs, had a lower budgetRead MoreWhat ever happened to originality anyway? Remember when every movie was unlike the last, when every1200 Words   |  5 PagesWhat ever happened to originality anyway? Remember when every movie was unlike the last, when every book you read was a completely different experience, when every song didn’t song didn’t sound like an electronic mess? 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Pulp Fiction refersRead MoreThe Director Is The Conductor And The Audience s Feelings1377 Words   |  6 PagesIn cinematography, as Quentin Tarantino discusses in an interview, the director is the conductor and the audience’s feelings are the instrument that directors utilize to evoke emotion. Directors have many tools they use to evoke the viewer’s emotions and properly captivate the audience. One of the tools directors use to control the audience, in addition to special effects, is dialogue. Dialogue has the power to push an audience to tears when a character dies, or make them laugh at the same sceneRead MorePulp Fiction - a Sociological Debate1412 Words   |  6 Pagesassociated with some of the research approaches fore-mentioned. Analysing the main dimensions will be covered by discussing the appropriate concepts separately and by individually contrasting the classical and modern theories with Quentin Tarantino’s 1994 film ‘Pulp Fiction,’ kno wn for its rich, diverse dialogue, ironic combination of humour and violence, a nonlinear storyline told in several differing orders, and a mass amount of cinematic hints and popular culture references. A classical theoryRead MoreThe Director Is The Conductor And The Audience s Feelings1347 Words   |  6 PagesIn cinematography, as Quentin Tarantino talks about in an interview, the director is the conductor and the audience’s feelings are the instrument that directors utilize to evoke emotion. Directors have to hone this skill in order to evoke the viewer’s emotions and properly captivate the audience. One of the tools directors use to control the audience, in addition to special effects, is dialogue. Dialogue has the power to push an audience to tears when a character dies, or make them laugh at the sameRead MoreThe Journey Of Taking Film986 Words   |  4 Pagesalways been a very harsh movie critic, however through taking Film I have been exposed to many different art styles of film. Resulting in me being more appreciative of different genres of film. Although my knowledge and criticism of films have matured throughout taking this course, there is still one direct or that I find to be a level above the rest. With knowing Tarantino has worked on a film , the audience can be rest assured that they will be in for a treat. Quentin Tarantino has consistently provenRead MoreFilm Review Essay (Pulp Fiction)1061 Words   |  5 PagesDenis Salinas 04/23/2013 â€Å"Pulp Fiction† Film Review When giving a film and evaluation it is obvious that acting, setting and plot would fit in every gender, however to evaluate a crime movie the expectations and feedback changes. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Statement Leadership, And Time Management

The strengths that I have gained this semester in psychology are: assertion, leadership, and time management. At the beginning of the semester my assertion level was in the develop stage. I was not able to clearly communicate my thoughts to others in an effective way that promoted a better understanding of my feelings. I am typically a shy individual when I am introduced to people I have never met I am not able to properly communicate with them. After improving on this skill level; I am able to make conversation with people not only at school, but customers from my job. The second strength that I have gained from this class is being a leader. My leadership skills have definitely improved this semester. Before this semester I would stay to myself and follow the crowd, but now I have a major influence on my friends and coworkers. I have influenced my sister not to follow the crowd like I once have, but to be a leader and make a positive difference in our community. The last strength th at I have developed over this past semester is time management. Time management was a big issue at the beginning of the semester. I was overwhelmed with all of my homework for each of my classes and going to work. I was completing all of my assignments at the last minute, but the third week I began to get a schedule to complete my homework before the due date. Overall, gaining strengths this semester will help me have a successful college experience and it will also give me skills in my future.Show MoreRelatedMy Personal Philosophy Of Innovation1290 Words   |  6 PagesNursing Innovation and Leadership: A Personal Philosophy To embrace the person that you are, in a time and place where everyone seems to be telling you that you should be everything but the person that you are, is a daunting but worthwhile challenge. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Smoking Example For Students

Persuasive Essay On Smoking SmokingStudies of ex-smokers show that their risk of dying from smoking-relateddisease decreases with each year of non smoking. Encouraged by such evidence,more than 40 million people in the U.S. quit smoking in the year following the1964 surgeon generals report. The proportion of males who smoke decreased frommore than 60 percent to about 25 percent; however, the percentage of women whosmoke cigarettes increased. Smoking also became more prevalent among youngadults, with about 29 percent of high school seniors admitting to smoking in1975; but by 1987 this proportion decreased to 18.7 percent. There are programsthat exist to help smokers quit. Some involve group support, whereas others useaversive techniques in which participants smoke many cigarettes rapidly to thepoint of becoming sick of them. More than 30 million persons in the U.S. say that they would like toquit smoking but cannot. One hypothesis to explain this problem is that thesmoker craves the effect of the nicotine in the smoke. In a 1988 report, thesurgeon general declared nicotine to be an addictive drug comparable to otheraddictive substances in its ability to induce dependence. The report also calledthe monetary and human costs far greater than those attributable to cocaine,alcohol, or heroin. Attempts to help persons quit smoking through counseling,participation in support groups, and, for those with a strong physicaldependence on nicotine, substitution of chewing gum containing nicotine tolessen withdrawal symptoms. Science